I like my town. He is beautiful, well-groomed, very green. But there are also disadvantages in it. In my imagination, I had long ago painted for myself a city of dreams, in which I embodied all my desires. First of all, I would like to see around me kind, sympathetic people who respect everyone around, and not just themselves. So that everyone was friendly and never insulted each other, regardless of mood. It is so nice to hear “thank you,” “how can I help,” “be so kind,” and other phrases that you can’t often hear on the street. Having entered the transport, I want to see in the eyes of others an interest in something, a desire to live, and not longing or even emptiness. In the city of my dreams, they love life and strive to live it as interesting as possible. Krome togo, v gorode moyey mechty zhivut samyye chestnyye lyudi, i nikto ne znayet slovo «prestupnost'». V etom gorode net zamkov, ibo oni – prosto pustaya trata vremeni. Lyuboy mozhet ostavit' svoi veshchi tam, gde yemu ponadobitsya, buduchi uverennym, chto smozhet zabrat' ikh obratno. V etom gorode mozhno vykhodit' gulyat' v lyuboye vremya. Roditeli so spokoynoy dushoy otpuskayut svoikh detok poigrat' v sosednem dvore, ved' oni uvereny, chto malyshey nikto ne tronet. V bol'nitsakh prinimayut otvetstvennyye vrachi, dlya kotorykh vazhna zhizn' kazhdogo patsiyenta. Oni lyubyat svoyu rabotu i pomogayut gorozhanam sokhranit' svoyo zdorov'ye. V sadakh, shkolakh i universitetakh prepodavateli ponimayut, chto deti – eto nashe budushcheye, i stremyatsya dat' im kak mozhno bol'she poleznykh znaniy. Vse zhiteli goroda podderzhivayut chistotu, sokhranyayut tselostnost' goroda i uchat etomu svoikh detey. Nevozmozhno nayti musor ili polomannyye skameyki. A yeshcho moy gorod – ekologicheski chistyy, gde net lichnykh mashin, gde lyudi predpochitayut velosipedy ili peshiye progulki. Kazhdaya ulitsa utopayet v zeleni, vezde raskinuty zelonyye kovry, na kotoryye mozhno prisest' i peredokhnut' v teni vetvistykh derev'yev. Vot takoy on, gorod moyey mechty. Krasivyy, bezopasnyy, so zdorovymi i schastlivymi zhitelyami. YA mechtayu o takom dome i yesli uznayu, chto gde-to v mire yest' takoy ugolok, obyazatel'no tuda pereyedu. In addition, the most honest people live in the city of my dreams, and no one knows the word "crime." There are no castles in this city, for they are just a waste of time. Anyone can leave their things where they need them, being sure that they can pick them up. In this city you can go for a walk at any time. Parents with a calm soul let their kids play in a neighboring yard, because they are sure that no one will touch the kids. Responsible doctors are accepted in hospitals, for whom the life of each patient is important. They love their work and help citizens to maintain their health. In kindergartens, schools and universities, teachers understand that children are our future and strive to give them as much useful knowledge as possible. All residents of the city maintain cleanliness, maintain the integrity of the city and teach their children. Unable to find trash or broken benches. And also my city is ecologically clean, where there are no personal cars, where people prefer bicycles or hiking. Each street is surrounded by greenery, green rugs are spread everywhere, on which you can sit and rest in the shade of tree branches. Here he is, the city of my dreams. Beautiful, safe, with healthy and happy residents. I dream of such a house, and if I find out that somewhere in the world there is such a corner, I will definitely move there
Есть много красивых городов. Я мечтаю жить в новом городе. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы в этом городе была красивая природа и чистый воздух. Было бы хорошо жить в одном городе со знаменитыми людьми. В идеальном городе должно быть спокойно. Не должно совершаться никаких преступлений. Город моей мечты должен красиво называться. В нем должны охраняться права людей. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы в этом городе не было бездомных и безработных людей. В нем должны жить трудолюбивые, вежливые и дружелюбные люди. В таком городе можно спокойно жить, учиться, работать и отдыхать. Многие люди сами портят свои города, загрязняя их. В городе моей мечты люди не должны этого делать. Надеюсь, город моей мечты когда-нибудь будет существовать.
There are many beautiful cities. I dream of living in a new city. I would like this city to have beautiful nature and clean air. It would be nice to live in the same city with famous people. In an ideal city should be quietly. No crime should be committed. The city of my dream should have a beautiful name. The rights of people should be protected there. I wish there were no homeless and unemployed people in this city. There should live hardworking, polite and friendly people there. In this city you can live, study, work and relax with pleasure. Many people spoil their cities by polluting them. People shouldn't do it in the new city of my dream. I hope the city of my dreams will come into being one day.
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