Как читается стихотворение: i love all kinds of animals dogs and cats and animals i love all kinds of animals despite their little habits if i had tons of monkoy d* you know what i would do? i would buy lots of animals and have my own zoo
Ай лов ол кидс оф энималс Догс энд кэтс энд энималс Ай лов ол кидс оф энималс Деспайт зеир литл хэбитс Иф ай хэд тонс оф монкей Ду ю ноу ват ай вулд ду? Ай вулд бай лотс оф энималс Энд хэв май оун зу
Actress Keira Knightly is a person I admire a lot. She was born in Great Britain on the 26th of March, 1985. Now she is 29 years old. Keira's parents are Shaman Macdonald, a writer, and and Will Knightly, an actor. When Kira was only 7 years old, she started to appear in different TV shows and series. After starring in Pirates of Caribbean she has become incredibly popualr and she has been given a lot of different roles.
She likes dancing and boxing, but she hates exercising in the gym and diets. She doesn't have any bad habits. She doesn't smoke or drink alcohol. She supports London football club " West Ham United". The people who she admires are famous actresses Vivian Lee and Katherine Hepburn. Being a talanted actress and a beautiful woman, Keira has come out on top of Hollywood Olympus. Knightly never stops to impress her fans. Still, I believe that her best part is before her/ I believe we are still to see her best part.
Сейчас я вам расскажу о том как я провел осенние каникулы.Эти каникулы были не такие длинные как летние,но все равно я не плохо их провел.На каникулах я гулял со своими друзьями почти целый день.Мы веселились,шутили и просто сидели вместе у меня дома и смотрели смешные комедии.Так же я успел за время каникул прочитать интересную книгу. Играл в компьютерные игры и сидел в социальных сетях маме и папе.И навестил свою бабушку.Вот так я провел осенние каникулы.Now I'll tell you about how I spent fall break.These holidays were not as long as the summer,but still not bad I had fooled them.On vacation I was walking with my friends almost the whole day.We had fun,joked and just sat together at my house and watched a funny Comedy.As I have time for the holidays to read an interesting book. Played computer games and sat on social networks.Helped mom and dad.And he visited his grandmother.So I spent fall break.
Догс энд кэтс энд энималс
Ай лов ол кидс оф энималс
Деспайт зеир литл хэбитс
Иф ай хэд тонс оф монкей
Ду ю ноу ват ай вулд ду?
Ай вулд бай лотс оф энималс
Энд хэв май оун зу