3.to order
4.to cook(тут выражается цель,купил чтобы приготовить)
5.look forward to trying
6.suggest to order
7. prefer having (I prefer doing smth,but I prefer you to do smth)
9.to accept
10.to be
12.to do
13.to persuade
15.reading (тут не как глагол,а как существительное)
17.to have
Объяснение: В большинстве случаев,тут нужно просто заучивать фразы,например:
После stand,look forward to,prefer,enjoy,like,hate,avoid,deny,stop,mind,love у глаголов окончание -ing
Decide/suggest/refuse/pretending/manage to do smth
После глаголов с would,например:would like,would prefer и т.д. всегда to do something
I cannot imagine my life without the Internet. This is an integral part of each of us. In it, we can find ourselves watching videos, reading about interesting things or uploading new photos and sharing our life with others.
I hang out on yоutube all day. I can watch funny videos or movie clips. I have a favorite bloggers and I watch their every new video. I started watching YouTube at 10 and have not stopped since then. Gооgle
I don’t hang on Gооgle. Most often I just go there to find out the biography of my favorite singer or how many films my favorite actor has starred in. Sometimes I can read interesting news. It's a pretty handy network, especially for people I'm interested in. Facebооk.
Facebook has countless advantages. I cannot name them all. I will just say that it is very convenient and interesting. Every day shares photos from interesting places or professional photo shoots of flowers from a vase or freshly prepared food. Also there you can follow people, just like others follow you.
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