Needless to say, English plays an integral role in our life. This is the international language. Lots of people all over the world use it in different fields of activities. It definitely helps people to have much more opportunities to develop themselves. You can visit majority of countries and make new pan pals. You can learn something new every day and even change your life for the best. Moreover, your memory, speech, thinking become better. I clearly realize that English is extremely important nowadays and I do my best to study it. I've been learning it since the 3rd form. It's not so easy, cause In my country I can hardly ever practice my skills. Certainly, it makes me upset. I support it by using some applications on my smartphone and a computer. Also, I've got the possibility to watch or listen to some videos or dialogues through the inet .
My summer was fun. I met a lot of friends and I often went for walks. I learned new things and visited new places. Every day was like a holiday. I sometimes watched the sunrise or admired the sunset. They were very beautiful. I watched a lot of new and old films and read books. I also swam in the lake when it was too hot. I ate a lot of ice-cream, rode my bike and I wished the summer wasn't over. But it is over. I'm already looking forward to the next summer.
The school is not bad for me too, I will still communicate with my friends there.
Моё лето было веселым. Я встречал друзей и часто ходил на прогулки.
Я узнавал новые вещи и посещал новые места. Каждый день был как праздник.
Иногда я смотрел восход солнца или любовался закатом. Они были очень красивые. Я смотрел много новых и старых фильмов и читал книги. Я также купался в озере, когда было слишком жарко. Я ел много мороженого. Я хотел бы, чтобы лето не кончалось. Но оно закончилось. Я уже с нетерпением жду следующего лета.
Школьная жизнь для меня тоже не так уж плоха, я все равно буду общаться там со своими друзьями.