1) Aidar says that he has got acquainted with an English boy of his age.
2) Nick asks him who he is and where he is from.
3) Aidar answers that he is John Smith and his father has come to Astana from London as a businessman for several weeks.
4) Nick asks Aidar if he is going to introduсe John to him.
5) Aidar answers he will introduсe John not only to Nick. Aidar suggests to invite him to their class. He thinks that he will agree.
6) Asel asks what they are talking about.
7) Nick says that there is no secret at all, Aidar has got a good idea. He proposes to invite an English boy John Smith to meet with their class.
8) Asel agrees that it's really a good idea but first they should ask their English teacher for the permission to do it.
1) Aidar says that he has got acquainted with an English boy of his age.
2) Nick asks him who he is and where he is from.
3) Aidar answers that he is John Smith and that his father has come to Astana from London as a businessman for several weeks.
4) Nick asks Aidar if he is going to introduce John to him.
5) Aidar answers that he will introduce John not only to Nick. Aidar suggests to invite him to their class.He thinks that he will agree.
6) Asel asks what you are talking about.
7) Nick says that there is no secret at all, Aidar has got a good idea. He proposes to invite an English boy John Smith to meet with their class.
8) Asel agrees that it's really a good idea but first they should ask their English teacher for the permission to do it.
Ингредиенты: 1 цыпленок весом 1 400 г с печенью, 200 г шампиньонов, 3 веточки петрушки, 60 г сливочного масла, 200 г хлеба, 700 г картофеля, соль, перец.Почистите и вымойте грибы. Вымойте и подсушите петрушку, удалите листья. Пропустите через мясорубку печень цыпленка, петрушку, нарезанные шампиньоны и хлеб.Нагрейте духовку до 220°. Растопите 15 г сливочного масла в сковороде, положите начинку и жарьте в течение 2 минут на умеренном огне.Добавьте соль и перец и остудите.После того, как начинка остынет, набейте ею цыпленка и зашейте его (или вставьте в отверстие комок жаростойкой бумаги).Положите цыпленка на противень, обмажьте его 15 г сливочного масла и поставьте в духовку. Запекайте в течение 15 минут.Почистите картофель, разрежьте каждую картофелину на четыре части. Через 15 минут после того, как цыпленок будет положен в духовку, разложите вокруг него картофель, добавляя кусочки масла и запекайте еще в течение 35 минут