Язык 3 класс вставьте пропущенные слова what? why? where? when? who? how many? и ответь на вопросы. in his room busy pigs read busy cockerels sing busy cats wash their faces run in the park busy foxes count their pencils
1 Who sleeps in his room? 2. When do busy pigs read? 3. What do busy cockerels sing? 4. Why do busy cats wash their faces? 5. How many dogs run in the park? 6. Where do busy foxes count their pencils?
My last holiday was the birthday of my close friend. his name is Nick. He is 15. He dreams to be a pilot. to tell the truth i like planes too. But i'm afraid a little. There a lot of crashes now. Stop. I would to speak about Nick's birthday. It was a good day. We came in the paintball club and had a great time. Nick's mom has cooked sweet pie. She is nice. And she looks wonderfull despite she is 40. Nick told that he is going to take exams in 2 years and really want his dream will come true. I support him. He is a good friend, honest person and he will be a very brave pilot.
1. can - Вы можете посетить Вестминстерское Аббатство, когда будете в Лондоне. 2. were to - 16 ноября, 2010 года было объявлено, что принц Вильям и Кэтрин Мидлтон должны пожениться. 3. was to - Сердце Томаса Харди должно было быть захоронено в могиле его жены. 4. should - Что следует делать, чтобы сохранить исторический монумент ( памятник) ? 5. must - Я должен купить видео Королевской свадебной церемонии. 6. have to - Туристы должны пересечь мост, и тогда они увидят Тауэр. 7. will be able to - В Аббатстве вы сможете увидеть мемориал Дэвида Фроста, современного журналиста и писателя.
2. When do busy pigs read?
3. What do busy cockerels sing?
4. Why do busy cats wash their faces?
5. How many dogs run in the park?
6. Where do busy foxes count their pencils?