7класс portfolio: write a news story about something important that happened in your area last week.collect information using the internet.present it to the class.
Last week in our hometown, Arthur Brown, a boy of fifteen came home from school and saw that their neighbour's house was on fire. He called 911 immediately.Arthur was a brave boy and he decided to enter the house.Mrs. Louis, their neighour, was an old lady. She lived in the house alone. When Arthur was inside, he heard that someone was moaning. It was Mrs. Louis. He helped her to get up and leave the house. In a few minutes the fire brigade arrived. Soon they put down the fire. The next day everybody knew that Arthur saved Mrs. Louis from the fire. Arthur's parents and his classmates were proud of him. На неделе в нашем родном городе, Артур Браун, мальчик пятнадцати лет пришел домой из школы и увидел, что в доме соседей был пожар. Он позвонил 911 сразу же. Артур был храбрым мальчиком, и он решил войти в дом. Миссис. Луис, их соседка, была старая леди. Она жила одна в доме. Когда Артур был уже внутри, он услышал, что кто-то стонет. Это была миссис Луис. Он ей встать и покинуть горящий дом. Через несколько минут пожарные прибыли и вскоре они потушить пожар. На следующий день все знали, что Артур миссис Луис от огня. Родители Артура и его одноклассники гордились им.
Если у тебя в предложении стоит указание на выполнение действия в конкретный момент, ставишь Continious, если действие повторяющееся/привычное/обычное, тогда Simple. 1) I am taking... (есть now), I take... (есть every day) 2) He is helping..., he helps... 3) ...they are going..., They usually go... 4)She is playing, she plays 5) I am reading, I read 6) He is sleeping, He sleeps 7) We are drinking, we drink 8) The are going, they go 9) I am not sleeping, I don't sleep 10) She isn't drinking, she doesn't drink 11) We are not watching, we don't watch 12) The aren't eating, they don't eat 13) My mother isn't working, my mother doesn't work 14) Are you working, Do you work 15) Is he playing, Does he play 16) Are they eating, Do they eat 17) Are your sister resting, Does she rest 18) What are you doing, What do you do 19) What are you reading, What do you read 20) What are they eating, what do they eat 21) What is your brother drinking, what does your brother drink 22) Is everybody having, Does everybody 23) Is she taking, Does she take 24) Where are they going, where do they go 25) Are they speaking, do they speak
1. am taking take 2. is helping helps 3. are going go 4. is playing plays 5. am reading read 6. is sleeping sleeps 7. are drinking drink 8. are going go 9. am not sleeping don't sleep 10. is not drinking doesn't drink 11. are not watching don't watch 12. are not eating don't eat 13. isn't working doesn't work 14. are you working do you work 15. is he playing does he play 16. are they eating do they eat 17. is your sister resting does your sister rest 18. what are you doing wht do you do 19. what are you reading what do you read 20. what are they eating what do they eat 21. what is your brother drinking what does your brother drink 22. Is everybody having Does everybody have 23. is she taking how often does she take 24. where are they going where do they go 25. are they speaking English what languages do they usually speak
The next day everybody knew that Arthur saved Mrs. Louis from the fire. Arthur's parents and his classmates were proud of him.
На неделе в нашем родном городе, Артур Браун, мальчик пятнадцати лет пришел домой из школы и увидел, что в доме соседей был пожар. Он позвонил 911 сразу же. Артур был храбрым мальчиком, и он решил войти в дом. Миссис. Луис, их соседка, была старая леди. Она жила одна в доме. Когда Артур был уже внутри, он услышал, что кто-то стонет. Это была миссис Луис. Он ей встать и покинуть горящий дом. Через несколько минут пожарные прибыли и вскоре они потушить пожар. На следующий день все знали, что Артур миссис Луис от огня. Родители Артура и его одноклассники гордились им.