5. Are your friends watch TV after school?
Перевод предложениях
Ты ходишь в школу?Твой папа работает в офисе?Твоя мама тебе с твоим домашним заданием?Твоя учительница кричит в классе?Твои друзья смотрят телевизор после школы?ответы (можете изменить)
Yes, I am. (No, I am.)Yes, he is. (No, he is.)Yes, she is. (No, she is.)Yes, she is. (No, she is.)Yes, there are. (No, there are.)→Sorry, but no explanation←
(→Простите, но без объяснения←)
Удачного дня!~
I to bed at 11.00 p.m. c. go
Jack fluent French a. speaks
People personal computers at home b. use
I the dog for a walk every day. b. do not take
She all the food in the nearest supermarket a. does not buy
My friends in a bank, (work) b. do not work
The shop closes at 5 o'clock. a. Does the shop close at 5 o'clock.?
She speaks English very well. b.Does she speak English very well?
Айгуль навещает свою бабушку каждую субботу. b. Aigul visits her Grandma every Saturday.
Therea different job to do on the farm a. is usually
I usually get up at seven o'clock. I wash my face, clean my teeth. Then I have a breakfast, I prefer to eat porridge with cheese sandwich and drink coffee with milk. I put on my clothes and go to school on foot. I study hard, because I want to be the best pupil in my class and to make my parents being proud of me. After school I do my homework and some work about the house. I frequently go for a walk with my friends and there we have fun. The last thing I do in the evening is reading, and then I go to bed.