1) Five minutes to nine in the morning 2) twenty minutes past nine in the morning 3) twenty minutes past ten in the morning 4) twelve o'clock 5) ten minutes past one at night 6) quarter (четверть) past three
The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilisation. it probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earthquakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history's greatest dangers to human life on earth. if present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable.overpopulation, pollution and energy consumption have created such planet-wide problems as massive deforestation, ozone depletion, acid rains and the global warming that is believed to be coused by the greenhouse effect.the seas are in danger. they are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilisers and pesticides. the mediterranean is already nearly dead; the north sea is following. the aral sea is on the brink of extinction. if nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.
Many people dream of traveling to different countries. great britain is one of the best places where people can go to. i would like to visit great britain. there are many wonderful sights there. first of all, i would like to go to the park of entertainments in london. they say you can see the most distant corners of london from the london eye. secondly, i would like to go to the loch ness lake where the loch ness monster lives. thirdly, i would like to visit buckingham palace and to talk to elizabeth the ii, the queen of england. but on the other hand, i heard that not everything is so good in great britain. on the internet i read that in london there is criminality. streets on suburbs of london are dirty and ugly. but the worst thing in great britain is weather. it is raining cats and dogs. i heard many different things about great britain. i don’t know if they are true. i believe that to know more about this country you should visit it. многие люди мечтают о путешествиях в разные страны. великобритания одна из лучших стран, в которую можно поехать. я бы хотел съездить в великобританию. там многое можно посмотреть. во-первых, я б сходил в парк развлечений в лондоне. говорят, что с колеса обозрения можно увидеть самые дальние уголки лондона. во-вторых, я бы хотел съездить на озеро лох-несс, где обитает лохнесское чудовище. в-третьих, я бы хотел посетить букингемский дворец и поговорить с королевой елизаветой ii. люди говорят, что жизнь в великобритании не такая радужная, как пишут в книгах. в интернете я читал, что в лондоне большая преступность. улицы на окраине лондона грязные и некрасивые. да и погода в великобритании ужасная. там почти всегда идёт дождь. я много слышал о великобритании разных вещей. я не знаю, правдивы ли они. чтобы узнать о великобритании больше, я и хотел бы поехать туда.