1. a) While I was doing, I had a good idea. b) Jim broke his leg when he was playing golf. c) When I arrived, I went into the kitchen. d) We found an old box while we were digging in the garden. e) I saw an old friend while I was waiting for the train. f) While was having a bath, the phone rang. 2. a) When I came home my family was doing the garden. d) Peter (turned on) the TV, but nothing (happened). f) While we were runnoing in the park, Mary (fell over). i) While I was listening to music, I heard the doorbell. j) I broke my pen while I was doing my homework. 3. Last week my friend Sandy and I (a) decided to go to the beach on the bus. While we (b) were waiting for the bus, it suddenly (c) started to rain. We (d) were wearing summer clothes, and we (e) did not have an umbrella. While we (f)were standing there in the rain, Sandy’s mother (g) was driving past, so we (h) waved to her. Luckily, she (i) noticed us, and (j)took us home in the car.
Ваня ничего не ответил. Он вышел в сени и уткнулся в стену. Заяц тихо дрожал под засаленной курткой. - Ты чего, малый? - спросила Ваню бабка Анисья; она привела к ветеринару свою козу.- Чего вы слезы льете? Случилось что? - Пожженный он на пожаре, дедушкин заяц, - сказал тихо Ваня. -Бегать не может. Вот-вот умрет. - Не умрет, малый Анисья. -- Скажи дедушке, ежели хочет зайца выходить, пущай несет его к Карлу Петровичу. Ваня вытер слезы и побежал босиком по песчаной дороге домой, на Урженское озеро.
Я бы предпочёл играть в теннис, чем смотреть телевизор.