Не совсем понимаю суть задания. Это вопрос-знакомство?)
Ну ладно... Я люблю слушать классическую музыку, люблю учиться новому, ещё мне очень нравится одежда в винтажном стиле, мне нравится ездить на лошадях, вышивать крестиком, и читать книги.
Но мне совсем не нравится, что я такая одна, и другие люди не понимают моих увлечений.
I love listening to classical music, I love learning new things, I also really like vintage clothes, I like riding horses, cross-stitching, and reading books.
But I do not like at all that I am so alone, and other people do not understand my hobbies.
1) insensitive 2) hug 3) bright 4) neighbour 5) host 6) dull 7) patient
An 1)insensitive person doesn’t care about other people’s feelings.
When I told Jack the good news, he gave me a big 2) hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Laura is a very optimistic person who always looks on the 3) bright side of life.
He lives next door. He’s my 4) neighbour
We always enjoy ourselves when we go to Jim’s parties; he’s an excellent 5) host
The play we went to see last Friday was so 6) dull that I almost fell asleep at the theatre.
Susan is very 7) patient on Physics, she is going to be a scientist when she grows up.
Power [edit | edit the code] They feed mainly on mammals (large pitons swallow jackals, porcupines, etc.), as well as birds, large lizards; young pythons eat small rodents, lizards, and, less commonly, frogs. I get caught, grabbing her teeth and simultaneously squeezing the rings of her body. The extraction is swallowed entirely, which is facilitated by the structure of the jaw apparatus of snakes. They can do without food for a long time (up to 1.5 years)Females of pythons are usually larger and more powerful than males. During the mating, the male fights the body about the female and scratches it with anal spurs. All pythons are egg-laying snakes. The peculiarity of the pythons is the ability to nourish the egg laying, and, due to the reduction of the muscles of the body, the masonry temperature is 12-15 ° C above the ambient temperature. Interestingly, it is precisely the pitons that postpone the greatest number of eggs among reptiles [source not specified 1433.