a giraffe. a bus. a telephone . a window . some honey. a pencil. a/some sheep. a robot . some chocolate. a door. . some sugar. . some salt. a radio. . some bread. a nurse. . some music. a lady. a dog. . some water. a flower. . some butter.
1) One of the programmes I am talking about is Skype, isn't it? Is one of the programmes I am talking about Skype? Isn't one of the programmes I am talking about Skype? Is one of the programmes I am talking about Skype or Word? What is one of the programmes I am talking about? What is Skipe?
2) I first realised the importance of Skype when I was in my third year of university, didn't i? Did I first realise the importance of Skype when I was in my third year of university? Didn't I first realise the importance of Skype when I was in my third year of university? Did I first realise the importance of Skype or Word when I was in my third year of university? Who first realised the importance of Skype when I was in my third year of university? When did I first realise the importance of Skype?
3) They are the things which I use on a daily basis, and which I would be most upset about losing, aren't they? Are they the things which I use on a daily basis, and which I would be most upset about losing? Aren't they the things which I use on a daily basis, and which I would be most upset about losing? What are the things which I use on a daily basis, and which I would be most upset about losing? Are they the things which I or he use on a daily basis, and which I would be most upset about losing?
Сочинение-рассуждение с элементами описания Я - девятиклассник, и проблема выбора профессии сейчас достаточно важная для меня. Конечно, я долго размышлял над этим вопросом. У моих родителей по этому поводу своя мысль. А поскольку окончание школы все ближе, мои тревоги становятся более сильными. Но впереди еще 3 года. Как и большинство моих друзей, я собираюсь после окончания школы потупить в университет или другое высшего учебное заведение. Я надеюсь, что получу аттестат с хорошими оценками. Но я понимаю, как много молодых людей принесет свои аттестаты с отличными оценками в приемочную комиссии университета. Составление вступительных экзаменов - серьезное испытание для тех, кто хочет продолжать свое образование.