Past Simple 1 Yesterday I went to the cinema 2 He went to the gym at 7 o'clock 3 She woke up, took her lunch and ran out 4 Stephen King wrote many stories 5 I travelled around the world in 1999 6 Jake called Stive yesterday evening 7 He went to the theatre at 5 o'clock 8 Mike drank coffee, took his keys and drove to the city centre 9 Tesla invented a lot of inventions 10 We went here three weeks ago Past Continuous 1 It was snowing when we got up this morning 2 She was cooking while he was reading 3 George was watching TV when his mum came home 4 Gil was traveling while they were staying at home 5 When I came home my brother was cleaning the rooms 6 I was talking on the phone while my son was playing 7 We were having fun all day 8 It was cold and snowing when we arrived in Tokyo 9 While Tom was writing an essay Jack was shopping 10 Kate was sleeping when we came home
Написать вопросы викторины. Используйте в простой пассивный. Викторина-Мастер: Добро в наши Общие знания Викторина. У нас есть несколько интересных вопросов к вам сегодня вечером, Марианна, Итак, вы готовы? Марианна: Готовые. Викторина-Мастер: Итак, номер 1: когда был зубную щетку изобрели? Было это 15-го или 17-го века? Марианна: 15-м веке, я думаю-в Китае. Викторина-Мастер: совершенно верно. Номер 2: где ... компакт-диски ... (развивать)? Марианна: В Японии. Викторина-Мастер: Япония и Нидерланды вместе, на самом деле. И № 3: ... динамит (инвент) в Канаде, Швеции или Греции? Марианна: в Швеции Альфредом Нобелем. Викторина-Мастер: ок, Номер 4: в каком