London would not be London without the River Thames. It flows 215 miles across the English, it reaches the sea.
the Thames provided a major highway between London and many parts of the country.London was protected from sea attacks because they built castles and forts at the mouth of the river.
With the industrial Revolution in the 18th centery , the Thames become one of the busiest waterways in the world.
Today the Thames has become a symbol of London, just as much as Big Ben or Buckingham Palace. You can admire bridges built in many different architectural styles. The most famous one is probably Tower Bridge Or you might be lucky enough to see London's rowing event, the Oxford and cambridge Boat Race.the Thames will always have something to offer you.
London,the capital of the United Kingdom,stands on the river It flows 215 miles.It was difficult to imagine life in the past time without the Thames :it served as a major highway in England,as a supplier of food and drinking water.Many people built their houses on the banks of the river .Even Charles Dickens lived on the
Thames bank and wrote about this fact.
Today The Thames is the symbol of England.If you take an excursion about London you can admire beautiful bridges
built in different styles.The Thames is the place of rowing competitions,which are so popular with Oxford and Cambridge students.Whether you are a Londoner or a visitor the Thames will have something to offer you.
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