We are visiting the theatre at 7 pm on Sunday. (Мы посещаем театр в 7 часов
вечера в воскресенье. ) We are touring Edinburgh on Monday. (Мы совершаем
экскурсию по Эдинбургу в понедельник. ) We are arriving at Alloway and
visiting the Burns Museum on Tuesday. (Мы прибываем в Эллоуэй и посешаем
музей Роберта Бернса во вторник. ) We are relaxing at the lake and walking in
the Forest Park on Wednesday. (Мы расслабляемся у озера и гуляем в Лесном
парке в среду. ) We are arriving in Glasgow and touring Glasgow on Thursday.
Как знал :
How long will people watch TV a day?
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What radio station there in Russia?
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