1. My name is ( name ) I am ( age) years old. I am a pupil of ( year of study) th grade.
2. I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. I know that it is very useful to do a morning exersise, but I really don't have time for it. I get dressed, make my bed, wash my face, brush my teeth and have my breakfast. Then I walk to school. My school is situated not far from my home, so it takes me about 10 minutes to get there.
3. In the afternoon, when my school is over, I come back home. At home I have my lunch, cooked by my mother, and after that I start doing my homework. Usually I have a lot of homework to do, so it takes me a few hours to finish everything.
4. In the evening I stay at home with my family. We can watch and discuss some interesting TV programm or film, or I can spend some time at my computer. At 9. 30 I go to bed, where I read before going to sleep.
5. At the end of the day I feel very tired and exhuasted, and try to go to sleep as soon as possible to have a good rest.
Recently, I watched the cartoon cinema "Keepers of Dreams." The plot of the film is this: A few childhood heroes - Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman are the keepers of dreams, protecting children, their hopes and dreams. Suddenly keepers playing against Kromeshnik evil spirit who wants to steal a very important thing - the children's dreams - and replace them with their nightmares, forcing children to believe that the Guardian does not exist. Lunoliky (Moon) to elect a new Guardian, to help others, he is restless spirit winter Ice Jack.
Недавно в кинотеатре я посмотрела мультфильм "Хранители Снов". Сюжет фильма таков: несколько героев детства — Санта-Клаус, Пасхальный кролик, Зубная фея и Песочный человек являются Хранителями снов, защищая детей, их мечты и надежды. Неожиданно против хранителей выступает злой дух Кромешник, который хочет украсть очень важную вещь — детские мечты — и заменить их своими кошмарами, заставив детей поверить в то, что Хранителей не существует. Луноликий (Луна) избирает нового Хранителя, в остальным, им оказывается непоседливый дух зимы Ледяной Джек.