A: You are reading
a book about Vincent van Gogh. I don't believe
it! As know, you hate art!
B: You are right. But I want to learn more about him.
A: Why?
B: Because I am studying the Dutch culture this year.
A: Do you know any of his paintings?
B: Yes, look at the pictures. I think
you will like this one with a woman in a yellow hat. She is walking in the garden.
А: Читаешь книгу о Винсенте Ван Гоге. Не верится! Насколько знаю, ты ненавидишь искусство!
Б: Всё верно. Но я хочу узнать о нем побольше.
А: Почему?
B: Потому что в этом году я изучаю голландскую культуру.
А: Ты знаешь какие-нибудь его картины?
В: Да, посмотри на картины. Я думаю
вам понравится эта картина с женщиной в желтой шляпе. Она гуляет в саду.
1. The clock is repaired.
The clock has just been repaired. Now it shows the correct time.
2. The Student's Books are sold.
The Student's Books have just been sold. We expect more copies next week.
3. The new script is being translated now.
The new script has been translated recently. We can work with it.
4. Ten schools are built in Moscow every year.
Ten schools have been built in Moscow recently. One of them is near my home.
5. My flat is being repaired at the moment.
My flat has been repaired recently. It looks great now.
6. The lamp is lit.
The lamp has just been lit. If it's still dark for you, we can light up another one too.
7. I am impressed by his speech.
I have recently been impressed by his speech. I think it'll be quoted a lot.
8. All the new ballets were seen by the students.
All the new ballets have been seen by the students recently. Let's ask them for their opinions.
9. The room is painted.
The room has just been painted. Be careful no to scratch the walls and the floor.
10. My bicycle was stolen yesterday.
My bicycle has just been stolen. I need to file a police report.
Нужно использовать сказуемое в Present Perfect Passive со словом just или recently и развить идею по ситуации.
Present Perfect Passive образуется по схеме:
have/has + been + смысловой глагол в третьей форме
Форма вс глагола have зависит от подлежащего: have употребляется с первым лицом и остальными лицами во множественным числе, а has – с местоимениями he, she, it и существительными 3-го лица единственного числа.
1) c
2) c
3) Where has your (my) sister been
4) I don't have a pet