London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, its political, cultural and business centre. London has two wonderful places of interest. They are the Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral. The geographical centre of London is Trafalgar Square with its fountains, a tall column, a monument to Admiral Nelson, and the National Gallery.
1. You should ask Mr. Lavrov to tell you about London. He lived there for several years and he knows the cityvery well. 2. We must discuss this matter in detail. 3. Why did you go by subway? You should have taken bus 15. 4. You should attach to the letter the latest directories for the AB 20 model. 5. Why don't you agree to these prices? You should I agree to them. Other companies sell such machines at higher prices. 6. You should buy a suit one size larger. This one is small for you. 7. Why have you come so late? You should have come earlier because the discussion you are interested in, has already begun.
Сегодня в школу не пришёл мой друг, я очень расстроился узнав,что он заболел.Я решил навестить его и купил апельсинов.Когда я пришёл он был очень рад, и у него сразу поднялось настроение и ему было не так одиноко, быть дома одному в тоскливую погоду.Мы с ним играли, собирали пазлы, я объяснил ему новые темы в школе.Потом пришла его мама и приготовила вкусный десерт из апельсинов, мы были очень довольны!Мы даже не заметили как пролетело время.Мне позвонила мама, пора было уходить.Мы убрали за собой игрушки,он ещё раз поблагодарил меня за мой визит, и я пошёл домой.Вот так я весело и с удовольствием провёл остаток дня с другом.
Today my friend didn't come to school, I very much was upset having learned that he got sick. I decided to visit him and bought oranges. When I came it was very glad, and at it the mood was lightened at once and to it wasn't so lonely, to be at home to one in sad weather. We with it played, collected puzzles, I explained him new subjects at school. Then his mother came and prepared a tasty oranges dessert, we were very happy! We didn't even notice as time flew by. I was called by mother, it was time to leave. We cleaned up toys, he once again thanked me for my visit, and I went home. Here so I is cheerful and with pleasure I spent the rest of day with the friend.
(надеюсь что правильно,я ну очень это долго писала!)
London has two wonderful places of interest. They are the Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral.
The geographical centre of London is Trafalgar Square with its fountains, a tall column, a monument to Admiral Nelson, and the National Gallery.