1. Do you have any gadgets? Yes, I have my smartphone and laptop.
2. Do you think gadgets and modern technologies are good for people? Yes, I think the're quite good for us because they make our life easier.
3. Do you think gadgets can lead to a special kind of addiction, like Internet addiction or game addiction? They can lead a person to such kind of problems if he or she uses his gadget all the time, but if he or she uses gadgets in a smart way and does not spend all the time playing games on it everything will be ok.
4. Do you think there is a fashion on gadgets in our modern life? Yes, I think there is such fashion because such companies as Apple or Samsung and other ones usually make their devices beautiful and comfortable so people want to buy them. Also we have a lot of accessories for our devices.
5. How often do you use your gadgets and what for? I use my gadgets quite often because I need them in my studies, to search some information and so on. And of course I use them for chatting with my friends.
The little boy was standing near the door and trying to press the doorbell button. But he was too short for it. A tall man was passing the door. The boy asked him to press the call button. The man did so. Suddenly the boy quickly run downstairs. He was running and shouting: "It was a joke! Flee! If the owner of the flat comes out of the apartment he will kick your ears!"
Маленький мальчик стоял около двери и пытался нажать на кнопку дверного звонка. Но он был слишком мал для этого. Мимо проходил высокий мужчина. Мальчик попросил его нажать на кнопку звонка. Мужчина сделал это. Вдруг мальчик быстро побежал вниз. Он бежал и кричал: "Это розыгрыш! Убегайте! Сейчас выйдет хозяин квартиры и надерет вам уши!"