Americans spend their free time? the answer may surprise you. the most common activities do not eat or drink. it is not communicating with friends, participate in sports, or relax with the family. Our main leisure activity is to participate in the experiments, which we know are not real. When we are free to do whatever we want, we look to the imagination - in the worlds created by others, such as books, films (movies), games, video, television (more than four hours per day for the average American), or worlds we create, and if dream and fantasize. while the citizens of other countries might watch less television, studies in Britain and the rest of Europe is similar passion unreal. we certainly would have been better, do more practical things, food and drink, the development of relationships with other people, build houses, and teaching our children. instead of 2-year pretend lions, students stay awake all night, playing video games, young parents hide from their young children to read novels ... how to solve this puzzle? one solution to this puzzle can be a reality lite - replace when the pleasure, no, too risky, or too much work. often we see ourselves as the main character an imaginary event, described in the book, or shown in the film. in other worlds, we passed. but how? through visuals, the image that we see while watching movies or playing video games, with the power in the world, used by the authors. they can create the illusion of running around shooting aliens, or do tricks we are operating. We are the main characters and their complicated relationships and the conflict around, love, family, wealth and status. this fight makes the main character to take action, and because of that we were part of another life, a very fast and full of adventure. In addition, we have information that people do not have in real life. we know what is happening, or what the other characters think, because we see them in different situations, we always follow them. along with the characters, we learn something new from their experience, and together with them we become other - better, stronger, smarter, wiser. together with the main character, we can survive the loss of our loved ones. but in order to stop the pain, we simply make from our dream and go back to the ground. What could be more enjoyable and fun? sostavte 5 questions on this topic and answer them
I think it’s hard to create an ideal school uniform. First of all, it’s very cold in winter and really very warm in Russia in spring and the beginning of autumn, and school uniform should be perfect for the whole school year. Then comes the question of the materials – it’s of course cheaper to make uniform from modern synthetic materials, than from natural fabrics and wool, but each mother would choose the last variant. At the same time, school uniform should be affordable to each family. If speaking about the design of the ideal school uniform, it should suit every pupil, boy and girl, regardless if he or she attends elementary school or is almost a school graduate.
But I support the idea of school uniform. I like that school uniform is a part of school tradition, and makes you honor your school more. Also I support the idea that pupils should think more about studying, and not about what are they dressed in. Introduction of school uniform can help to ease the gap between the rich and the poor and make pupils treat each other as personalities.