Строительная промишленая машина,климатические изминения,руттные термометры,члены комитета тепло-измерительного завода.
Yesterday John was supposed to take a 1_flight__ from London to Paris. He got up very early, put his luggage in the 2_boot_ of his car and tried to start the engine. It wouldn’t start. John lifted the 3_bonnet__ but he couldn’t see what the matter could be. He immediately called his local 4_garage__ to ask them to send a 5_mechanic__ at once. Fortunately, the garage had a man free and he was with John within ten minutes. He quickly saw what the matter was. ‘You’ve 6_run out_ of petrol’, he said. John felt very foolish. ‘Why didn’t I 7_check__ everything last night?’ he wondered. Despite all this, he got to the airport, checked in quite early and then went straight through to the 8_departure lounge_ to read a newspaper while he waited. Soon he heard an announcement. ‘Passengers on flight BA 282 to Paris are informed that all flights to and from Paris are 9_delayed_ because of a heavy snowfall last night.’ ‘If only I had decided to go by 10_train_’, John thought. ‘It would probably have been quicker in the end and even if I sometimes feel sick on the 11_ferry_ across the Channel, it can be quite pleasant sitting in a 12_deckchair__ on the deck, watching the seagulls and the other 13_passengers__. The galleys on a ship seem to produce much better food than those on an aircraft too.’
GD What does the 1 total value of $68 million refer to?
MD Having got a profit before tax of $132 million, GKN then had to pay taxes which 2 adds up to $51 million and $13 million to shareholders. This resulted in 3 receipts of the year of $68 million.
GD How high were the profits of the branch?
MD Having deducted the 4 expenditures of running the business we got the trading surplus of $146 million.
GD Where in the world was the firms trading surplus greatest?
MD Our factories producing car components 5 accomplished the task and had a good year, particularly our transmission companies in Europe.
GD Will you try to 6 measure by data?
The machine building industry - машиностроение (дословно: машиностроительная промышленность)
climate changes - климатические изменения
mercury thermometers - ртутные термометры
a factory Committee member (обрати внимание : две t) - член комитета завода (или фабрики) (дословно член заводского (фабричного комитета, но мы так не говорим)
heat measuring - тепловые измерения