Условие (Condition) Результат (Result)
If the weather is sunny and warm tomorrow, I will go to the park
Если завтра будет солнечная и теплая погода, я пойду в парк
Результат (Result) Условие (Condition) I will never reveal my friend’s secret unless he does it himself
Я никогда не раскрою тайну моего друга, если только он сам это не сделает
Условие (Condition) Результат (Result)
If I pass my exams successfully, my parents will be happy
Если я успешно сдам экзамены, мои родители будут счастливы
Результат (Result) Условие (Condition) My teachers usually praise me when I always do homework
Мои учителя обычно хвалят меня, когда я всегда делаю домашнюю работу
Условие (Condition) Результат (Result)
If my friends ask me for help, I will help them
It takes about one hour per day to prepare for my english lesson
There it was a language laboratory
I stay and work there every business day
Of course, i speak E.well,that is why i do like foreign languages
I can improve my knowledge if English when I travell abroad,so I should speak with nativ people
It is not difficult for me
I dont think so,E. is much more easier than German,for example.
I have got
There are a lot of advantages:...
It is a worldwide language , there are a lot of people in the whole world who speak E.