1. These walls of water can reach up to 100 feet high and cause widespread destruction when they reach shore.
2. Earthquakes on the sea floor are the usual cause of tsunamis.
3.Around 80 percent of tsunamis happen in the so-called "Ring of Fire" in the Pacific
4.This is a volcanically active area were tectonic plate shifts and earthquakes are common. Underwater landslides and volcanic eruptions can also start tsunamis.
5.People’s best defense against tsunamis is early warnings that allow people to evacuate areas near the ocean.
Tomorrow my class and I are going abroad to London, the weather is wonderful there. Today I will be preparing for a class trip. My plans for tomorrow are to visit "Big Ben" and "London Eye". I have long wanted to go there, because this is my dream. I'll take a camera with me to take pictures of beautiful places!
Перевод: Уже завтра мы с классом едем за границу в Лондон, погода там прекрасная. Сегодня я буду готовиться на экскурсию с классом. Мои планы на завтра будут, посетить "Big Ben" и "London Eye". Давно хотел там побывать, ведь это моя мечта. Возьму с собой фотоапарат что-бы пофотографировать прекрасные места!