The rhinoceros, or the rhino, is a big wild animal. Rhinos live in tropical foresta and swamps of Africa, India and Sumatra.
These animals have big horns. Some rhinos have one horn and other rhinos have two horns.
They eat a lot of grass and plants.
When it is hot, rhinos like to sleep in the shade or lie in the mud.
Носорог — большое дикое животное. Носороги живут в тропических лесах и болотах Африки, Индии и Суматры.
У этих животных большие рога. У некоторых носорогов один рог, а у других носорогов два рога.
Они едят много травы и растений.
Когда жарко, носорогам нравится спать в тени или лежать в грязи.
2. Went
3. Would buy
4.would live
5. Ate
6. Rained
7. Would have
8. Would get
9. Would get
10. Would go