I'd like to tell you about my family. my family is neither big nor small, it consists of 4 members - my parents, my younger (elder) sister// brother (здесь выберите подходящий вариант) and me. my mother's name is she is a good-looking 42-year-old woman with big blue eyes and a beaming smile. she doesn't look her age. my mum is a в словаре посмотрите и допишите) she is a very good specialist and she likes her job. she likes the people she works with and the hours are good - she works full-time, but she doesn't have to work overtime. although my mum is a very busy person she manages to keep the house well. i think she is a born housewife because she is excellent at cooking and running the household. she is keen on gardening. she has a green thumb and can work wonders with plants. there are a lot of pot plants at home. they make our home look lovely. my father kostantin grigoryevich is a tall broad-shouldered man with a receding hair line. he is years old. my dad works as a ) he has been a , a worker, a driver) for 10 (20, 25) years. he is good at cars, holding negotiations - как пример, любое действие напишите, в чём ваш папа преуспевает, что у него хорошо получается. не забудьте, что это "что-то" должно стоять в герундиальной форме, то есть с - ing окончанием) he sometimes goes on business for a couple of days, and i miss him greatly, when he is away. he enjoys fishing, so once a month he goes fishing with his friends. my elder sister sveta is a student. she is 4 years older than me. we get on well together. i am a . i study at the faculty . i am in the first year. i am fond of хобби)
Measures for the prevention of infectious diseases can be divided into two groups - general and special. 1. The general government measures are aimed at improving the material well-being, improved health care, working conditions and the rest of the population, as well as sanitation, which contributes to the success of prevention and elimination of communicable diseases. 2. Special preventive measures are carried out by specialists medical and sanitary-epidemiological institutions. The implementation of these measures, together with the health authorities are often involved other ministries and departments, as well as the general population. For example, in the prevention of zoonotic diseases (glanders, foot and mouth disease, brucellosis, anthrax, and others.) Participating agricultural authorities, veterinary service, enterprises processing raw hides and wool. Planning for prevention and control of their execution by the bodies of Health. The system includes preventive measures and international action, when it comes to particularly dangerous (quarantine) infections.Events for the sanitary protection of the territory of the country, carried out sanitary-epidemiological and specialized anti-epidemic agencies stationed in sea and river ports, airports, roads and railways are also important.Some examples of methods of prevention:- Take measures to fully identify and eliminate (isolate) infected animals,- Draw up the certificate of inspection of the complex with specific proposals on the implementation of measures to eliminate the source;- Receive and analyze the data of laboratory examination of animals in order to study the tactics of anti-epidemic measures;- Monitor the timeliness and completeness of animal health and anti-epizootic measures;Zoonoses. Preventive measures in relation to the source of infection in zoonoses have some features. If the source of infection are the pets that are carried out sanitary-veterinary measures for their rehabilitation. In cases where the source of infection are synanthropic animals - rodents (mice, rats), is carried out vermin. In natural foci, where the source of infection is wild animals, if necessary, their population reduced by destruction to a safe level, preventing human infection.
One girl was home alone.Suddenly the phone rang,an unfamiliar voice said to her: "girl,girl, the coffin on wheels left the cemetery,your street is looking for".The girl began to panic and cry,suddenly, she again called,the same voice told her "girl,girl, the coffin on wheels has found your street,your house is looking for".She began to panic even more...Suddenly there was a last phone call,the voice told her "girl,girl, the coffin on wheels has found your house,he knocks you in the door."The girl heard a loud knock at the door,she tried to hide,but it was too late...the girl's Mother returned home late at night and found his daughter dead.And in its mouth was a small wheel