1) ответ второй: it was Потому что форма глагола to be "was" в времени употребляется только с местоимениями 3-го лица единственного числа (he, she,it) и местоимением 1-го лица единственного числа (I), для остальных случаев - were 2) ответ первый: no they were Так как если в данном случае идет отрицание, то оно должно быть полным и звучать так: no, they were NOT (Нет, они не были) форма глагола tell, соответственно, сказуемое и вопрос: did what? (told many stories) Сделал что? (Рассказал много историй)
Picnic is a wonderful pastime , surrounded by picnic people. At going children and adults to relax on prirode. His good organization, despite a number of difficulties , can bring a lot of positive impressions of freshly prepared food , the natural environment and communication. Given the appropriate tools for cooking outdoor reception can be arranged outside the home. It is enough to find a comfortable place where your guests could stay and enjoy a delicious cooked right in front of them food. In the shade of a tree or under a tent impromptu table , tablecloth selected cheerful colors, put on the table a few baskets (one of these devices in the other - more paper towels , plates and glasses . Refreshments in the Garden excludes meat dishes , usually served vegetables, assorted platter , cold drinks and lots of fruit