1. It is hoped that it will be next summer at the sea. 2. Mom said that she wants to stay home. 3. I knew that nothing special with it never happened. 4. It seemed to us that she is laughing at us. 5. Everyone knew that he was wrong, but no one dared to tell him about it. 6. She said that she was waiting for his girlfriend for a quarter of an hour. 7. They asked me what I will do on Saturday. 8. I was not sure that he spoke with the parents. 9. The coach explained to us that this is a very dangerous sport. 10. My cousin promised me that he would visit me in a week. 11. The father said that he did not know, called me somebody, because he was not at home. 12. She said she doesn't want the coffee, she will drink tea. 13. He told us that the delegation will arrive here about three.
Mom and Dad Elephant Elephant lived in Africa, and they had a little baby elephant. One day Dad came home and saw that he was a little sad elephant. And Dad said, 'Why are you sad, my little one? " Elephant said, "Oh Dad, I really want to play in our high school football team, but my socks t-shirt and shorts I are small and I can not wear them." "Do not worry my dear," 'said Papa Elephant' I'll buy you some new clothes, "they went to the store Miss Lions (lionesses). "Good morning, Miss Lioness" Dad greeted Elephant. "Dobroye utro "otvetila miss l'vitsa.-" chem ya mogu pomoch'? "" U vas yest' noski na moyego syna ya khochu kupit' paru "," no vse nashi noski maly. Podozhdite nemnogo, malen'kiy lev sdelayet paru milykh, zheltykh noskov dlya slonenka "i malen'kiy lev sdelala zheltyye noski. Zatem papa zaplatil za noski i odel ikh na slonenka. Slonenok byl ochen' dovolen" spasibo bol'shoye za noski oni mne ochen' nravyatsya "" teper' davay kupim tebe novuyu futbolku "skazal papa Slon i oni poshli v magazin Miss tigry (Tayger).