1. Were you watching TV when I came to you? - ты смотрел телевизор, когда я пришел к тебе?
b, потому что здесь время Past Continuous которое всегда делает акцент на процесс. Так как это вопрос, вс глагол to be(were) выносим на перед.
2. That book is mine. - Та книга, моя.
это форма притяжательного местоимения, используется когда местоимение не определяет никакое существительное.
3. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of the great English poet W. Shakespeare - Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне - это место рождения великого английского поэта В. Шекспира.
William Shakespeare born. According to tradition, the great English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare is born in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1564.
4. There is so much noise in Moscow. - В Москве так много шума.
much потому что, шум это не исчисляемое. 1 шум, 2 шума... ( если бы было как громко, или в измерительных величинах, то стояло бы many )
The Reserve Museum Kolomenskoe is my favourite place in Moscow.
If you are interested in history you can learn lots new things especially about period of Peter the First.
I like folk festivals very much with their colourful costumes, folk songs and dances and traditional national cuisine.
I like the beautiful views of the park and the Moscow river. Fresh air, silence and peace of historical places make the visitors really happy. Kolomenskoe is one of the most popular leisure areas for Moscovites and tourists from all over the country.
Muay Thai is known as the most brutal sport and the most deadly form of martial art. Muay Thai is one of the closest to the street fight combat. Modern Muay Thai is called "battle of eight limbs" because it strikes deal feet, shins, fists, elbows and knees. A stroke is the most violent attacks in melee. In contrast to ancient times, when the defeated leave the area or cruelly beaten or dead, modern Muay Thai is limited to five rounds of three minutes. Brutal training, rational movements, high speed, sophisticated technology and tactics do muay thai fighters among the most dangerous enemies. This is the most effective martial art, as in sports, and in the real battle.