Вот, готово. Правда получилось: "Украина и её жители глазами сибиряка" :D
1. All Ukrainians love salo:) Also Ukrainian cuisine is one of the most delicious in the world, and includes such dishes as borscht, cabbage rolls and dumplings.
2. Ukranian girls and women are the most beautiful all around the world ;)
3. People in Ukrain are very hospitable, especially in villages. For example if any stranger asks ukranians for the shelter, they will never refuse him, they will feed him by their best food and will offer him to stay at night.
4. Almost all Ukrainians speak Russian, but people who live in the western part of Ukrain will pretend they don't understand you, if you start to speak Russian with them.
5.Ukraine is an ancient country with centuries-old traditions and you can find a lot of beautiful sights there, such as St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew's Descent, The House with Chimeras, Probii waterfall and much more other interesting sights.
1)I prefer swimming in the pool, because in pool water is always clean and the water is not salty like in the sea.
2)I prefer watching films in my language, because i can easy understand what actors are saying.
3)I prefer communicating by text messenges, because it's faster to get an answer or ask something or just chat with your friends
4)I prefer doing English homework, because i can improve my knowledge of English by doing exercises.
5)I prefer eating at home, because it's fast and you don't need to waist to much money on your meals.
6)I prefer going on holiday abroad, because it's always interesting to see other countries and how people live there