Чтобы в английском предложении ставить "the" и " а", надо изучить целый учебник. Здесь для этого места мало. В словах на конце надо писать букву "s", когда множественное число существительных, глагол в настоящем простом времени для третьего лица единственного числа, когда сокращения от is и has и когда притяжательный падеж существительных.
The , a - артикли. Они ставятся перед именами существительными, не никак не перед именами собственными ( имена, названия стран, городов, рек, морей, океанов и т.д..) . ПРИМЕР- The dog, a cat, Russia(не ставится), и т.д..
`s - ставится в глаголе после 3лица (он, она, оно) (HE, SHE,IT). ПРИМЕР- He live`s in Russia.(Он живет в России.)
Hi Paul, I'm sorry I haven`t replied to your email before now, but finally here`s some news. Helen has left college now and she starts her first job. She bought lots of new clothes to wear at work because she needs to look smart. Things have gotten better for Harry. He found a new girlfriend and he became a lot happier. Her name is Martha and I didn`t meet her, but people told me that she's really nice. The weather is terrible. The rain hasn`t stopped for ages. You made a good decision - Im sure it's lovely where you are! (Проверено носителем языка).
1. I have read your book several times. 2. She has worn that skirt many times. 3. My family has visited Brazil a few times. 4. I have already eaten. 5. Marta has finished her homework. 6. You have broken the glass again. 7. They have payed for everything. 8. It has never snowed like that. 9. I have met Anna once. 10. We have seen him before. 11. You have bought 4 cars so far. 12. There will be/are/were problems. 13. I will have/have/have had a snake. 14. Maria will raise/raises/has raised a monkey. 15. The kids have grown so much!