Almost all my peers have some Hobbies. Someone who enjoys painting, someone playing chess, someone is dancing. My hobby is music. I like music in different directions, depending on my mood. I can listen to slow and sad songs when I'm not in a good mood, and I can have fun and dance to rhythmic and catchy melodies when I'm in a good mood.
When I was little, my parents noticed that I was not indifferent to music and to musical compositions. From musical instruments I had a tambourine, maracas and a small toy piano. Now I have a real big piano, which I have already learned to play quite well. In order to master this skill, my parents invited me to the house tutor. I quickly learned to use this musical instrument, a little able to play the piano and my mother. I even teach her sometimes. And I see that my mother is proud of my success.
I think that my hobby can become my profession in the future, for example, I can give concerts or also teach someone piano lessons. In any case, my passion for music gives me great pleasure and brings joy to others, because with music life becomes more beautiful and happier!
My name is Veronica. I am 14 years old. As any girl I have my favorite occupation. I’m fond of music. When I was 3 years old I started to learn children’s songs and to sing them for members of my family. It was my hobby. I sang everything and everywhere. Then my dad decided that I should visit the musical school and be fond of professional music. I thought it will be great. And now I have been attending it for 6 years.
Music is my life. Being free I listen to different kinds of music such as classical, modern, folk, dance and pop music. I also learned to play the piano in my musical school. I still remember some musical compositions of the most known composers.
I think music enriches our hearts and feelings. It makes us to believe the happy days. When I sing my songs I want that people can listen to my mood and understand my thoughts.
I had already taken part in musical competitions, and I have won the first prizes. Now I’m learning the fine English song. Soon I will go to the contest and sing it there
Меня зовут Вероника. Мне 14 лет. Как у любой девочки, у меня есть любимое занятие. Я увлекаюсь музыкой. Когда мне было 3 года, я начала учить детские песенки и петь их членам своей семьи. Это было мое хобби. Я пела все и везде. Тогда мой папа решил, что я должна посещать музыкальную школу и заниматься музыкой профессионально. Я подумала, что это будет прекрасно. И сейчас я занимаюсь в музыкальной школе уже в течение 6 лет.
Музыка – это моя жизнь. Будучи свободной, я слушаю различную музыку: классическую, современную, народную, танцевальную и популярную. В музыкальной школе я так же научилась играть на фортепиано. Я до сих пор помню несколько музыкальных произведений знаменитых композиторов.
Я думаю, музыка обогащает наши сердца и чувства. Она заставляет верить в счастливые дни. Когда я пою свои песни, я хочу, чтобы люди могли услышать мое настроение и понять мои мысли.
Я уже принимала участие в музыкальных конкурсах и занимала первые места. Сейчас я учу прекрасную английскую песню. Скоро я поеду конкурс и спою ее там.