К первому: 1 Do they publish this magazine in London? -общий вопрос 2 They publish this magazine in London, don't they? -разделительный 3 What do they publish in London? -специальный 4 Do they publish this magazine or this newspaper in London? -выборочный
фотография, словесные игры и головоломки, играя музыку, hi-fi, мотоциклы,катанием на роликах и скейтборде кемпинг видео-игры, Настольный компьютер football.Scooters и велосипеды поездов содержание домашних животных участник игры, Коллекционирование марок и монет комиксы Приключения в прятки пропуск-веревки в классики на tge pavement.Gambling политике моды платье делает gardenning столярные автомобили, рыбалка бинго бег трусцой, фитнес-классы TV.Flaying Коршунов химии вязания и шитья, наборы настольные игры, карточные игры, уроки танцев footbsll в школе yard.Rattles питомник rhysery ведра и лопаты в песочнице брики мелки и plastsine качели и карусели мягкие игрушки трехколесные сказки
For many people summer is the best season of the year and my family is not an exception. Both my parents love to travel abroad while they are on vacation. As for me, I also like seeing new places and meeting new people. My name is Alina. I’m the 9th grade pupil at the local secondary school. I have lots of friends at school and in the neighborhood. So, when the summer starts I get lots of free time to spend with my friends. This summer was full of positive emotions. From the moment it started me and my parents left for Croatia for a week. Weather and nature in this country were magnificent. We swam a lot in the azure sea, we sunbathed, then we took some excursions to see the places around the country and we also made lots of new friends there. We are still in touch with some of them. When we came back I started seeing my friends more often. We went for shopping to the mall, we also went to one pizza place, which is my favourite. All in all, we had a great time together. At the end of the summer we went to visit my grandparents. They live in a village which is four hours of drive from us. The air there is always fresh and clean compared to the city polluted air. At my grandparents’ I also have some good friends, so I wasn’t bored there. I stayed out a lot, where we played basketball, hide-and-seek, and even went to pick mushrooms once. I should say that summer was great! It’s a pity, it ended so fast.
1 Do they publish this magazine in London? -общий вопрос
2 They publish this magazine in London, don't they? -разделительный
3 What do they publish in London? -специальный
4 Do they publish this magazine or this newspaper in London? -выборочный