If you have been thinking about pursuing a career in healthcare, you’re in luck right now. The demand for healthcare professionals is at an all-time high, especially for OB/GYNs. Here are a few reasons you should consider entering the field.
Higher Demand for Female OB/GYNs
While health care may seem to be a male-dominated field, over the past few years, the demand for female OB/GYNs has increased significantly. More women than ever are requesting to see another female specialist these days. Women are naturally more comfortable talking with women, especially about sexual or pregnancy issues. Furthermore, supply and demand favours female OB/GYNs and now more than 70 percent of all residents are women.
Work Satisfaction
There’s something satisfying about bringing new life into this world, and this is one of the reasons people have ranked OB/GYN as the most rewarding sector in the healthcare field. As an OB/GYN, you’ll have the chance to experience childbirth regularly and help new mothers make choices that will affect their newborn’s health.
Some OB/GYNs work with high-risk pregnancies exclusively. These nurses and doctors deal with patients with premature births, a history of miscarriages, or preexisting conditions that could complicate childbirth. As an OB/GYN, you’ll also have the chance to contribute to the field by discovering new procedures and methods that could one day become standard practice.
Higher than Average Salary
Not only is the obstetrics field one of the most fulfilling positions in healthcare, it is also one of the highest paying. According to this website, an obstetrician can earn up to $204,000 a year, which is right up there with general surgeons and cardiologists. Not to mention that this salary is for level entry positions; experienced OB/GYNs can earn up to $300,000 a year, especially when employed by major hospital networks.
The OB/GYN field has not always been seen as the most family-friendly option, but there are ways that you can make it manageable. For instance, many graduates decide to go into academics after their studies, which offers more flexibility. Others have decided to open their own clinics with other moms and make it part of their branding. Healthcare “by moms for moms” is a fast-growing field and along with partners, it’s easier to share the load and make your schedule more flexible.
It’s also important to note here that studying to become an OB/GYN is also flexible with many bachelor level programs now being available online. For example, through this college in San Diego CA, you can study for a medical speciality in as little as 20 months. It’s not just San Diego CA colleges that offer these options, either. You can find online courses for most medical specialities throughout the United States.
Becoming an OB/GYN is one of the best decisions you could make. Not only will you have the chance to experience the miracle of birth on a regular basis, you’ll also be able to experience all the benefits we mentioned above.
, лето – самое любимое время года школьников, ведь наступает пора каникул. Мы девять месяцев учимся, чтобы летом наслаждаться прекрасной погодой и отдыхом от занятий. Это лето стало для меня особенным.
В июне я отправился к бабушке на дачу. Моя бабушка на даче почти круглый год. Туда легко добираться даже зимой, и она не упускает такого шанса. Наверное, как и большинство бабушек, она любит сажать разнообразные растения и выращивать цветы. К бабушке я поехал с братом, так что скучать мне не приходилось. К счастью, весь июнь погода стояла солнечная и совсем не дождливая. С утра мы отправлялись на велосипедах в магазин за продуктами. Бабуля нас радовала различными вкусными завтраками: то блинчики или оладьи испечет, то булочки или круассаны с ветчиной и сыром, иной раз просто яичницу, но безумно вкусную, с помидорами и свежей зеленью. Вообще за один месяц на даче мы с братом поправились килограмма на два каждый. Днем мы ездили на речку загорать и купаться, а вечером усаживались с бабулей смотреть новости и какой-нибудь фильм по телевизору. Мне нравилось сидеть на закате с братом на крыльце с чашкой земляничного чая и разговаривать. Эти моменты единения с семьей и природой многое для меня значат.
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