I think friends are most definitely to make someone happy. I'm sure that quantity does not mean quality, so it really doesn't matter whether you have 10 friends or just 2, but very good ones. It is important that you have someone to stand by you and to support you when it much needed. In fact, sometimes it is nessecary to get something form your chest and share your problems with someone other than your family. Besides, they say friends are family, the family you can actually choose. The more you make friends and surround yourself with nice people, the better your life becomes. What is more, such people can teach you valuable lessons about life and friendship.
Щас попробую Once upon a time there was a small fox. His name was Nick. It was the first of September. It was his first day at forest school. His mother gave him a cake and some sweets to eat it with new friends at school. When Nick came to school he saw that there were many small forest animals. All of them were talking, laughing and eating sweets. "So many animals and so little sweet" thought Nick. " I don't need friends. I will eat it myself" he said and hid behind a busch and ate everything. After school he went home alone. He was happy. He didn't notice a hole and fell down. The hole was very deep. He couldn't get out of it. He started crying. Suddenly he heard somebody talking. There were some pupils from school. They saw Nick and helped him. He was very glad. "now I see, why we need a friend' he thought " We need a friend not only in joy but in sorrow"
Английский язык очень уникальный,так как он универсальный язык для общения почти на всей планете! Его изучение очень важно, так как он открывает другой мир перед твоими глазами! Он даёт тебе лучшее понятие английских книг и многого другого текста. Например, взять популярную игру Твистер. Слово twist значит вращаться, поворачиваться. Это больше тебе говорит о игре, о чём она,как в неё играть. Или просто говорит о интересных вещах,как то,что окончание .com означает commercial или рекламный, используемый компанией. А .org значит organization или группа людей. Ещё, вы наверняка хоть раз в жизни думали,"Как же мне выучить язык?" Самая лучшая вещь в английском, это его популярность. Каждое в нем слово можно найти онлайн, каждое время. И весь этот труд даёт вам смотреть на многие слова другим взглядом. Вот пара примеров:energy=энергия,robot=робот,company=компания.Когда вы изучаете английский, вы изучаете не только язык, но и новый мир.