фильм называется отверженные
Action develops in the early XIX century. Escaped convict Jean Valjean, who was sentenced to prison for many years forced to hide from the cruel justice. Inspector Javert Paris police said his capture affair of his life. After the death of Fantine - women, for the fate of which Jean Valjean believed himself to answer - the only person close to him is her daughter Cosette. For the happiness of Jean girls ready for anything.Few days ago I saw a film that impressed me. This film called The Notebook.
Director of film is Nick Cassavetes. He show us the story about poor and passionate young man who fall in love with a rich young woman and gave her a sense of freedom. They soon were separated by their social differences. But the power of their love makes something impossible come true. The main caracters` roles plays such movie stars as Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. This movie is very famous in USA as well as Russia and Ukraine. It received oscar award as the most passionate kiss. I like it and recomend everyone to see it.
What 1__would you __do_(do) if you found
an envelope full of money in the street? 2_Would__you__take_(take) it to the police station?Or3__would_you__keep_(keep) it and buy yourself something you really wanted?4_Would__you _buy__(buy) your mum and dad a present? If you5_bought__(buy) them a present they 6_would want__(want) to know where you got the money from. If you 7_told__(tell) them the truth maybe they 8_would not be__(not be) so happy. And if you
9_didn't tell__(not tell) them the truth, you_would feel__10(feel) really
bad. You know what, I hope I never find an envelope
full of money in the street!
1. A baker is a person who bakes bread and cakes. 2. A farmer is a person who works on A farm. 3. An architect is a person who plans new buildings. 4. A cook is a person who cooks food. 5. A camera is something you use to take photographs. 6.A bookseller is a person who sells books and magazines. 7.Bookshops sell books and magazines. 8.Butchers sell meat. 9.Grocers sell sugar,salt,flour,etc. 10.Greengrocers sell flesh vegetables and fruit.
Перед множественным числом, если употребляем понятие впервые артикль не ставим. Так же не употребляем перед неисчисл. сущ.
Если говорим о чем-то впервые или о чем-то о чем не все присутствующие знают, тогда ставим A An.
Если слово начинается с согласной ставим А. Если с гласной - ставим An , исключение состовляют некоторые слова начинающиеся с U Ex. А Unit, А University.
Вообще артикль одна из самых сложных тем английской грамматики и точных 100% правил употребления нет, но основное можно сформировать так.