Mighty and enduring master of the Arctic, the polar bear, the largest carnivore on land! Some males weigh a ton! The main weapon of the bear's powerful claws. With one blow he can stun large harp seal, to say nothing of the seal, whose fat for him – a favorite treat. Hours a bear lying in holes in the ice waiting for prey. But if the ice is big, he throws himself on the seal in the water. Bear dives and swims well. In water it does not freeze, because under his skin – a thick layer of fat, and thick warm fur coat protects from the cold. The giants, the cubs are born the size of with just the mitten! The she-bear feeds them with milk, holding on his belly and covering his paws. Snow in the den the kids warm and secure. And after two months, and mother will lead the cubs on first walks.
1 People marry for different reasons. 2 Some people are afraid to go through life alone. 3 Some (people) cannot live alone and need someone to look after them. 4 There are those who simply need company. 5 Generally, people, especially women, want to have children. 6 They believe, rightly or wrongly, that it is easier to raise children in a family. 7 When both parents work, the family has more money to spend on their children. 8 The family can afford to buy better food and clothes. 9 It shows that there are economic reasons for starting a family. 10 When children grow up, they often provide care and support for their elderly parents. 11 Old people are usually weak and often get sick. 12 They really need their children’s help. 13 Old parents are happier in each other’s company because old people love talking, and they always have someone to talk to. 14. When one of the parents is taken to hospital, the other is supposed to visit the sick one there. 15 Finally, when one of them goes to the better world, the remaining relatives bury him, and plant flowers on his grave.16 None of these things happen to those who have no family