Праздники в США. В США много традиционных праздников. День благодарения - национальная традиция. У них есть жареная индейка, картофель и пирожок с тыквой. Народ благодарит друг друга, нацию и Бога. Они благодарны за хорошие вещи, которые у них есть. Американцы празднуют этот праздник в четвертый четверг ноября. 31 октября американские дети одеваются в смешные или страшные костюмы и празднуют Хэллоуин. Дети стучат в соседние двери и спрашивают:кошелек или жизнь? Соседи дают им небольшие подарки, конфеты или деньги.
1. When did they do it? 2. He lives nearby. 3. Remarque wrote many great novels. 4. The programme starts at (a) quarter past two. 5. He is the oldest boy in the yard. 6. This book consists of two parts. 7. The area is being watched by policemen. 8. I have three children: a boy and two girls. 9. The documents have already been signed. 10. How are you? I am well, thanks. 11. Does he have to get up early to come to work in time? 12. The book was written by Pushkin. 13. I usually have coffee without sugar. 14. Do you expect me to do it without any help? 15. A/The woman appeared round the corner dressed all in black. 16. Where are Steve's belongings? 17. I live in a big city. 18. Open the window! 19. I have never passed through the right wing of this building. 20. What are the administrative parts of the UK? 21. When we arrived our children were sleeping. 22. If I meet her I will ask her about it. 23. We thought it would be easier. 24. All (the) children like ice-cream. 25. Must I rise at 4 a.m.?
4. have they seen this film?