I hope (0) _you_ are well. I was trying (1) to call you yesterday but you didn’t answer. Is your phone broken, (2) ___or have you lost it again? Anyway, I wanted to ask (3) if you could come to my birthday party next Saturday. My birthday was actually two weeks (4) ago, but I couldn’t have the party then (5) because lots of people were (6) ___on holiday.
I’ve invited (7) ___a few people from our swimming club, as well as my friends from school. (8) Do you think your brother (9) will be free that day? Please invite (10) him to come too. The party’s at my house and starts at 8 p.m.
13 thirteen
30 thirty
18 eighteen
705 seven hundred and five
1000 one thousand
4568 four thousand and sixty eight
6008 six thousand and eight
75 seventy-five
1306 one thoesand and six
2032 two thousand thirty-two