I will try to lead small excursion on our apartment for you.
So, having entered into apartment, we appear in a spacious hall. At the left there is a case and a hanger for clothes, and on the right - a curbstone and a mirror. There and then near to one party an input in kitchen, with another - doors in a bedroom of parents and a children's room.
In a children's room it is light and spacious, there is an exit on a loggia. We manage here with the brother together. In our bedroom there are two beds. The left corner occupies clothes, nearby - a case for toys and books. By the way, at us fine children's library, in it very interesting books are collected. Too it is a lot of toys - my brother still small.
On the right party along a wall stand a curbstone for the tape recorder and the TV, a desk behind which I do homework, I draw. To tell the truth, on my desk the disorder quite often reigns, and mum is sometimes angry at me for it.
Over a table - book shelves where there are my textbooks, and also volumes from a series «Children's encyclopaedia» which I sometimes like to esteem. On one of shelves I have allocated a place for a corner where has collected various bagatelles for memory of a trip on the sea: beautiful stones, sea cockleshells, souvenirs. I all it has arranged so that every morning, having opened eyes, I could admire beauty which reminds me that soon again there will come summer, and we all family will go again to the tender and warm sea.
Now you represent, as our apartment looks. Come to us on a visit - and you will see, how at us is pure and cosy.
People in contemporary world can hardly imagine their lives without machines. every day either a new gadget is invented or an old one is improved. different people appreciate new inventions differently. some suppose that sophisticated gadgets are really useful and necessary, while others find them absolutely awful as they influence people badly. as for me, i am pretty sure that gadgets make people`s lives easier. firstly, they do all kinds of dirty and hard work, as cleaning. secondly, devices can save a lot of time as well as storage space. for instance, a computer disk can contain the same amount of information as several thick books.so, machines help people in different spheres. however, opponents of this point of view are definitely sure that gadgets affect people negatively. people are reluctant to work due to the influence of machines. people become lazy and disorganized. they just expect their latest gadgets to do everything instead of them. moreover, according to scientists, a great number of widespread devices produce radiation that can cause serious health problems. furthermore, more and more people are becoming addicted to their modern gadgets, for instance computers, tvs or mobile phones. so, they neglect their home obligations, work or school and spend all their spare time in front of a laptop screen or a tv-set. in conclusion, i firmly believe that in spite of all drawbacks, gadgets have, their benefits are much more considerable, as they save people`s time and let them enjoy life. перевод: современный человек едва ли может представить свою жизнь без машин. ежедневно или появляются новые устройства, или улучшаются уже существующие. люди по-разному относятся к новым изобретениям. некоторые полагают, что сложные гаджеты на самом деле полезны и необходимо, в то время, как другие считают их ужасными из-за их отрицательного влияния на людей. что касается меня, я абсолютно уверена в том, что новые устройства делают нашу жизнь легче. во-первых, они выполняют всю грязную и тяжелую работу, такую как уборка. во-вторых, устройства экономят как время, так и место. например, компьютерный диск может вмещать столько же информации, как несколько толстых книг. итак, машины людям в разных сферах деятельности. однако противники этой точки зрения абсолютно уверены в том, что новые изобретения отрицательно влияют на людей. люди не хотят работать из-за влияния устройств. они становятся ленивыми и неорганизованными. они ждут, когда их последние изобретения сделают всё за них. более того, по мнению ученых, многие широко распространенные гаджеты излучением, которое может вызвать серьёзные проблемы со здоровьем. кроме того, всё больше и больше людей становятся зависимыми от компьютера, телевизора или мобильного телефона. они игнорируют свои обязанности, учебу или работу и проводят всё своё время перед ноутбуком или экраном телевизора. в заключение, я считаю, что, несмотря на все имеющиеся недостатки, достоинства гаджетов намного более занчительны, так как они экономят время и позволяют людям наслаждаться жизнью!
I recently watched a short news report about a study in a chinese university where they tried to find out whether men are more vain than women. The researchers made appointments with their subjects to be interviewed and each has to wait in a waiting room before being interviewed. In each room there is a one way mirror where researchers can video tape the subject's action without being seen. In that study, men looked at themselves in the mirror more than the women.
I will try to lead small excursion on our apartment for you.
So, having entered into apartment, we appear in a spacious hall. At the left there is a case and a hanger for clothes, and on the right - a curbstone and a mirror. There and then near to one party an input in kitchen, with another - doors in a bedroom of parents and a children's room.
In a children's room it is light and spacious, there is an exit on a loggia. We manage here with the brother together. In our bedroom there are two beds. The left corner occupies clothes, nearby - a case for toys and books. By the way, at us fine children's library, in it very interesting books are collected. Too it is a lot of toys - my brother still small.
On the right party along a wall stand a curbstone for the tape recorder and the TV, a desk behind which I do homework, I draw. To tell the truth, on my desk the disorder quite often reigns, and mum is sometimes angry at me for it.
Over a table - book shelves where there are my textbooks, and also volumes from a series «Children's encyclopaedia» which I sometimes like to esteem. On one of shelves I have allocated a place for a corner where has collected various bagatelles for memory of a trip on the sea: beautiful stones, sea cockleshells, souvenirs. I all it has arranged so that every morning, having opened eyes, I could admire beauty which reminds me that soon again there will come summer, and we all family will go again to the tender and warm sea.
Now you represent, as our apartment looks. Come to us on a visit - and you will see, how at us is pure and cosy.