Как перевести полностью i am little? he is little? she is little? it is little? we are little? you are little they are little как перевести только начали учить язык
Меня зовут Пёрт Смирнов. Я молодой. Сейчас я дома. И я болею. Это моя семья - моя мама, моя сестра и мой брат. Мой па.па не дома. Он на заводе(фабрике). Мой папа - инженер. Он взролый(old - старый, но я думаю, что взрослый более уместно) Моя мама тоже взрослая. Она экономист. Она не в офисе, она дома. Моя сестра - доктор. Её зовут Хелен. Мой брат-рабочий. Его зовут Джон. Это мой друг Ник. Ник - архитектор. Он молодой, но хороший архитектор. Это наша квартира. Она маленькая, но уютная. Номер нашей квартиры - 7.
1. I am reading now. I read every day. 2. He is sleeping now. He sleeps every night. 3. We are not drinking tea now. We drink tea every morning. 4. They are going to school now. They go to school every morning. 5. I am not sleeping now. I don't sleep in the daytime. 6. She is not drinking coffee now. She doesn't drink coffee after lunch. 7. We are not watching TV now. We don't watch TV in the morning. 8. They are not eating now. They don't eat at my lesson. 9. My mother is not working now. My mother doesn't work at an office. 10. Are you working now? Do you work every day? 11. Is he playing now? Does he play in the afternoon? 12. Are they eating now? Do they eat at school? 13. Is your sister resting now? Does your sister rest after school? 14. What are you doing now? What do you do every morning? 15. What are you reading now? What do you read after dinner? 16. What are they eating now? What do they eat at breakfast? 17. What is your brother drinking now? What does your brother drink in the evening?