Ex 1
1. in year four seasons
2. My favorite season is summer
3. It's warm in the summer, you don't need to go to school, you can hang out with friends on the street until late
4. walk outside
5. Stay at home and play computer games
6. weather in Krasnodar in sprink sometimes cold sometimes warm
Ex 2
Present Simple
1. I sometimes plays computer Games
2. I usually walks with me friends
Present Continuous
1. We are cooking now
2. I go to park with my family at the weekend
Present Perfect
1. I have readed a book
2. They drunk water
Ex 3
СМИ играют большую роль в нашей жизни.
Mass media include the press, the television, the radio and the Internet.
СМИ включают в себя прессу,ТВ, радио и интернет.
It has become one of the most powerful and wide branches of reality.
За последнее время СМИ стало одним из самых мощных отраслей реальности.
. Now computers are almost in each family.
Сейчас компьютеры есть в каждой семье.
We have got used to them and we do not imagine our leisure without this miracle-machine and Internet/
Мы привыкли пользоваться ими и уже не представляем наше времяпрепровождение без этих чудо-машин и Интернета.
Now people cannot live a day without checking of mail and visiting their favorite sites
Сегодня люди не могут прожить и дня без проверки почтового ящика или их любимых сайтов.