1 Хоть тигры и кошки, но зрачки у них, в отличие от домашних кошек, круглые. Объясняется это образом жизни, который ведут те и другие. В генах домашних кошек «прописана» ночная активность, а тигры относятся к сумеречникам, которые выходят на охоту с восходом и закатом солнца. 2 При хорошем питании одна пчелиная семья за лето дает 25-30 кг меда. А чтобы собрать 1 кг меда, пчелам нужно взять нектар с 19 млн цветков! При этом одна пчела за рабочий день облетает около 7 тыс цветков. 3 Дальневосточный леопард - самая редкая кошка. Всего 50 особей дальневосточного леопарда осталось в дикой природе. Им угрожает браконьерство, вырубки лесов и пожары в местах обитания. 4 Если схватить лесную мышь за хвост, она может легко отделить от себя кончик, оставив его хищнику. Но укороченных хвост никогда уже не восстанавливается. 5 Считается, что при идеальных условиях сапсан может видеть голубя на расстоянии более 8 км.
Mike is a twenty-two year old COP, he has a wife and child. They moved into a new apartment in new York. One day Mike brought in to investigate the case of the mysterious murder of one elderly woman. Investigations revealed that the killer woman is her grandson, who wanted to get the inheritance. After a few days the grandson had committed suicide. Mike began to dream strange dreams and sometimes even nightmares. Then he suddenly disappeared. It was never found. The case of the missing Mike closed, but his wife believed that he will be back. His son in a few months, must be 2 years, but this child will never know what a father's love. In this case, was not mysticism or something. Experts put that guy that killed his grandmother, hanged himself because of conscience, and Mike just killed. And then came the day when they were nadeyalis. Juliet, this young wife with a baby was standing by the stove. On her cheeks were traces of tears, she loved Mike more than any others. Suddenly on her shoulder went whose a hand. Juliet was frightened, not nashutku and turned around. Before her stood a twenty-two-year-old boy, whom she loved, and who was crying all these days. Mike gently embraced her and kissed her son on the forehead. They all together went home and no one knows what happened to him all this time.