Dear Sirs, I am writing to you regarding your advertisement concerning pieces of the space bus. I am interested in space and would like to see the Earth with my own eyes. I saw your announcement in the Daily News on the 2nd of February and the offer seems to be rather interesting for me. I would like to book a 6-hour trip as it sounds enough. Do you still have seats for 1 adult and 2 kids available for the 24th of July? Could you please specify how such a trip would cost for 1 adult and 2 kids. I would also be grateful if you could supply me with further details which are important. For example, what I shall take with me, what papers and confirmations are required to be present and from whom. Another thing I need is the programme: when and where the trip starts, what's the route, etc. Please confirm what planet or maybe planets you suggest to travel to. As soon as I get all information I will be ready to make the final decision and proceed with booking and payment.Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much in advance. Yours sincerely, Alice Wolf
1. They are coming on Thursday.
2. Hob wanted a holiday.
3. Asem was taken in a friend`s car.
4. Sir Joseph was rather surprised.
5. Uncle Albert knocked on the door.
6. The door was opened by Mr. Brown.
7. The rabbit was killed by the dog.
8. Mr. Brown will teach us tomorrow.
9. We shall be taught by Mr. Brown tomorrow.
10. He will be in that old railway carriage of his.
Exercise 2. Which are the subjects and which are the objects in the following sentences?
1. Mr. Brown(subject) is reading a book(object).
2. He(subject) teaches French(object) and German(object).
3. You can see him(object) in the picture.
4. He(subject) is writing a letter(object).
5. I (subject) teach the students(object) in this room.
6. He(subject) can speak Spanish(object).
7. She(subject) is wearing a white dress.(object)
8. My sister(subject) is giving her the dress.(object)
9. The boy (subject) can`t tell me his name.(object)
10. I (subject) can tell you(object) the time.
1.The subject это тот,кто совершает действие(существительное),а predicate это само действие(глагол),которое он совершает.
2.Subject это человек,вещь и т.д совершивший действие, а object это человек,вещь,место, которое получает действие.Например "He gave him his book" - "Он отдал ему свою книгу".The subject тут будет он - he ,потому что дейтствие совершено им, а object будет ему - him(Дал книгу кому?ему).