Batman is one of the most popular heroes of DC Comics Universe. First time he was mentioned in Detective Comics No27 in May, 1939. He has no special powers or abilities. His true name is Bruce Wayne and he's a billionaire. He's a very clever and well-educated man. So, all his "powers" are created by himself. As usual, he overcomes his enemies with stratagem and his self-created weapons. Also he is famous with his Batmobile. It's a great car with incredible abilities. It's also made by himself. He's also known as Dark Knight. Gotham is the city, protected by Batman. Joker is his most famous enemy. I think he's one of the greatest heroes in all comics Universe.
1went 2became 3finished 4met 5worked 6had 7watched 8gave 1. Peter and Ann went away an hour ago. 2.Yesterday we became students. 3. In May I finished secondary school. 4. Two days ago he met his friends at the Institute. 5. They worked as engineers at small enterprise in 2011. 6. We had English lesson the other day. 7. First-year students watched educational film last week. 8. Professor gave a lecture on physics some hours ago. 1. Петр и Анна ушлu час назад. 2.Вчера мы стали студентами. 3. В мае я закончил среднюю школу. 4. Два дня назад он встретил своих друзей в институте. 5. Они работали инженерами на малом предприятии в 2011 году 6. Мы были урок английского в другой день. 7. Первый год студенты смотрели учебный фильм на неделе. 8. Профессор выступил с лекцией по физике несколько часов назад.