charge / desperately / fierce / lung / rush / scandal / searching / suspect
1 rush to hurry in order to get somewhere very quickly
2 desperately... in a very worried or angry way
3 ...scandal talk or reports in the newspapers about shocking evens
4 ...charge to accuse someone officially of committing a crime
5 ..fierce very angry, or ready to attack
6 ..lung... one of the two organs in your chest that fill with air when you breathe
7 ...searching trying to find something or someone by looking carefully
8 ...suspect... someone who the police believe may have commited a crime
My school by Beibit Abdullin swimming pool and sports and dance balls . We can use these in after - school sports clubs as well as in lessons . I go to clubs twice a week . I learn karate on Tuesday - I got my first brown belt last term - and on Thursday I learn to play the dombra . I can also play the guitar , so it's easy for me and it's fun . 5 Yes , I do . I go to school early - I arrive at 8 a.m. I have breakfast in the canteen . I also eat lunch there . It's a big , bright room . We can eat three meals a day at school and the food's always hot and healthy . I really like the sausages . 6_ It's the library I sometimes go there after lunch . There are lots of books and I love discovering new authors or looking for information . 7 1 I go to a Bilim Innovation Lyceum . It was opened in 2007 , so the buildings are modern . The school has two buildings . One is for students in Grades 1-6 and another is for students in Grades 7-11 . I'm in Grade 6 so this is my last year in this building . All the classrooms in both buildings have got whiteboards and we use up - to - date equipment in the computer lab . 2 We can study lots of languages . Our lessons are in Kazakh and English , but we also learn Russian and Turkish . I study Mandarin , so I also come to school on Saturday . I don't mind because I enjoy the lessons . 3 The lessons on Saturday are for optional subjects . Our main lessons are on Monday to Friday , but lots of people choose to do something extra . We like to keep busy : 4 You can do lots of things . There are also lots of sports facilities , for example , there's a Yes , I do I like it , because it's very friendly . I've got lots of friends here . We often go to each other's homes after school and help cach other with homework
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