Linda is large height and a bit dark. She's got short dark hair and short blue eyes. Linda's nose is short. I think she is beautifull. Paul isn't large, he is very short. He's got long dark hair. Paul's nose is large. He's got a friendly smile. I think he's smart.
Линда большого роста и немного темная. У нее короткие темные волосы и короткие голубые глаза. У Линды короткий нос. Я думаю, что она прекрасна. Пол не большой, он очень низкий. У него длинные темные волосы. У Пола большой нос. У него дружеская улыбка. Я думаю, что он умный.
What is the name of the town?
How many schools are there?
Is there a cinema?
Is there a church?
Are there many shops?
Is there a supermaket?
Is there a monument?
Do you like it?
What sights can you see there?
How many people are there?