I have a pet. It is a dog. His name is Joy. He is two years old. My dog is black. He loves me. Joy is very playful. He likes to run, to jump and to swim. I walk my dog in the park every day. I love my pet Joy very much.
У меня есть домашнее животное. Это собака. Её зовут Джой. Ему всего два года. Моя собака черная. Джой любит меня. Он очень игривый. Он любит бегать, прыгать и плавать. Я каждый день выгуливаю свою собаку в парке. Я очень люблю своего питомца Джоя.
Each person has a homeland. It its amazing. For me, my city, my dignity, my homeland is the best. I love him just for what he is.
In my city good people who will help. In this city you can easily make friends with a stranger, there are few bad people.
Also, our city is very athletic. Our school often won various competitions. Anyway, in our city great school. We have very few people who are illiterate can write, who can't read or count. This is a huge plus.
How can you not love their city, their home? I don't know, because I love her.
A tall woman in a light summer dress incomprehensible cut out of the lake with pink Lotus flower in your hands. Appears around the coast Hanki in places where gussago people.
She, as a Tourist, silent - just waves his right hand, in which is clamped the Lotus, in the direction opposite to the lake - go, they say, there is nothing here to do.
Saw it say it can't be helped turn the camp, collected in bags of empty bottles, extinguish the fire and leave.
And don't say anything to each other and only the house begin to ask ourselves - why do we actually left. According to 70 - year-old owner of a lonely hut the lady of the Lotus is an ordinary lake mermaid, a lot of them, but they are absolutely identical, and people think that it is one and the same woman. It drives excited tourists, so as not to litter the shore Hanki.
Tourist Monster, lady of the Lotus...
Most likely is not different kinds of mysticism, and several manifestations Hanki, if you want it the lake of the soul. So the lake trying to understand people, it is already quite altered.
Now that it heals itself and asks him not to interfere.
Hanka in Chinese means "unpredictable and treacherous". And this is also a warning. Высокая женщина в легком летнем платье непонятного покроя выходит из озера с розовым лотосом в руках. Появляется по всему побережью Ханки в местах скопления гулящего народа. Она, как и Турист, молчалива – лишь машет правой рукой, в которой зажат лотос, в сторону, противоположную озеру – уходите, мол, нечего вам здесь делать. Видевшие ее говорят, что ничего не могут с собой поделать сворачивают лагерь, собирают в пакеты пустые бутылки, тушат костер и уезжают. Причем ничего не говорят друг другу и лишь дома начинают спрашивать себя – а почему мы, собственно уехали. По словам 70 – летнего хозяина одинокой сторожки дама с лотосом – это обыкновенная озерная русалка, их много, просто они абсолютно идентичны, и люди думают, что это одна и та же женщина. Она прогоняет расшалившихся туристов, чтоб не засоряли берег Ханки. Турист, Чудовище, Дама с лотосом… Скорее всего - это не разные виды мистики, а несколько проявлений Ханки, если хотите – его озерной души. Именно так озеро пытается дать понять людям, что над ним уже достаточно поиздевались. Что сейчас оно лечит себя и просит ему не мешать. Ханка по-китайски означает «непредсказуемый и коварный». И это тоже предупреждение. A tall woman in a light summer dress incomprehensible cut out of the lake with pink Lotus flower in your hands. Appears around the coast Hanki in places where gussago people.
She, as a Tourist, silent - just waves his right hand, in which is clamped the Lotus, in the direction opposite to the lake - go, they say, there is nothing here to do.Saw it say it can't be helped turn the camp, collected in bags of empty bottles, extinguish the fire and leave. And don't say anything to each other and only the house begin to ask ourselves - why do we actually left. According to 70 - year-old owner of a lonely hut the lady of the Lotus is an ordinary lake mermaid, a lot of them, but they are absolutely identical, and people think that it is one and the same woman. It drives excited tourists, so as not to litter the shore Hanki. Tourist Monster, lady of the Lotus... Most likely is not different kinds of mysticism, and several manifestations Hanki, if you want it the lake of the soul. So the lake trying to understand people, it is already quite altered. Now that it heals itself and asks him not to interfere. Hanka in Chinese means "unpredictable and treacherous". And this is also a warning.
I have a pet. It is a dog. His name is Joy. He is two years old. My dog is black. He loves me. Joy is very playful. He likes to run, to jump and to swim. I walk my dog in the park every day. I love my pet Joy very much.
У меня есть домашнее животное. Это собака. Её зовут Джой. Ему всего два года. Моя собака черная. Джой любит меня. Он очень игривый. Он любит бегать, прыгать и плавать. Я каждый день выгуливаю свою собаку в парке. Я очень люблю своего питомца Джоя.