1. Before the invention of the light bulb,
people are used to using candles, kerosene lamps.
People are not used to electric lighting.
2. Before the invention of the refrigerator,
people are used to putting quickly perishable products in specially equipped glaciers, cellars.
people are not used to the fact that you can solve this problem with just one opening the refrigerator door.
3. Before the invention of television,
people are used to reading and drawing,
people are not used to watching TV on TV.
4. Before the invention of the Internet,
people are used to looking for the information they need in inceclopedias or libraries
people are not used to using the internet
5. Before the invention of the mobile phone,
people are used to talking via mail
people are not used to talking at a distance using the phone
6. Before the invention of the car,
people used to ride horses,
people are not used to driving a car.
7. Before the invention of the remote control,
people are used to managing something manually
people are not used to controlling mechanisms from a distance.
8. Before the invention of the digital camera,
people are used to observing what is happening on their own
people are not used to recording what they see on video.
2) has been shot ( Вы слышали новость? Президента убили)
3) will be build ( Новый супермаркет будет построен в следующем году)
4) is being used ( компьютер сейчас занят)
5)wasn't invited ( ты ходил на вечеринку? нет, меня не пригласили)
6) have painted? ( что с твоим носом? ты испачкал / изрисовал... его?)
7) are caused ( многие несчастные случаи происходят по причине неосторожного вождения)
8) had gone ( когда я пришёл на вечеринку, Джон уже ушёл)
9) наверное... it have employed ( Это большая компания. На ней работает 200 человек / на работу были наняты 200 человек)
10) be done ( Это серьёзная ситуация. Мы должны что-то делать, пока не стало совсем поздно)