Билет №3
1)People love different films: westerns, comedies, thrillers, hits, melodramas. Me for one, my favourite movie is "Аватар". This history very impressed me. It is a fantastic film about other world. He does not look like any film that I saw some time.
Known worldwide James Кэмерон took off this surprizing fairy-tale. He worked on her 10. Main actor's name is Sam Уортингтон. He plays a marine infantryman Jake Салли. Jake takes part in an experiment and grows into a creature from other world. An action takes place on a planet Pandora. This wonderful delightful place with remarkable nature and unusual creatures of Нави. Jake wants to find the beds of the special minerals. He meets Нейтири(actress of Зои Салдана), one of Нави. On my opinion, actors and game are impressive. I recommend this film all. It is remarkable unusual actual history that helps to value important things in our life, because our real world is wicked and cruel.
1 мая .История этого праздника восходит к концу 19 века, когда во всем мире появлялись различные трудовые движения. Стоит также отметить, что день Первого мая был важен и в дохристианские времена. У древних римлян был фестиваль под названием Флоралия, во время которого они восхваляли богиню цветов. Он выпадал на 27 апреля и отмечался особенно торжественно. В некоторых языческих культурах 1 мая почитали как первый день лета.
May 1. History of this holiday dates back to the late 19th century when various labor movements appeared worldwide. It is also worth mentioning that May 1st was an important day at pre-Christian times. Ancient Romans had a festival called Floralia which honored the goddess of flowers. It fell on April 27th and had been celebrated with special festivities. In some pagan cultures May 1st was observed as the first day of summer.