Boil the meat in 3 liters of water, add salt and pepper. Beets, cabbage and onions cut into strips, potatoes - slices. Beet fry in butter, add a tablespoon of vinegar (3%), stew until tender in small amount of broth, add sugar (1 tablespoon), tomato paste (2 tablespoons). Strain the broth and continue to cook. Meat cut into cubes and put in boiling broth, add potatoes, cabbage and cook for 15 minutes. Then add the beets, vegetables and sweet pepper cut in shreds, spices. Cook for another 15 minutes. Add chopped garlic, pounded with fat and bring to a boil. Then let stand another 20 minutes.
the soft meat broth - 3 l; potatoes - 5 PCs.; beets - 1 PC.; carrot - 1 PC.; onions - 1 PC.; garlic – 1 tooth.; white cabbage - 150 g; sugar - 0.5 tsp; citric acid 1 g; tomato paste - 1 tbsp; sour cream - 2 tbsp; parsley - 1 tsp.; Bulgarian pepper - 1 PC.; ground black pepper - 1 g; vegetable oil - 3 tbsp How to cook Ukrainian borscht. Pre-cook the broth. The meat doesn't matter, it can be pork and beef, it turns out very tasty. In this case I had cooked the chicken broth. The pan Association with a volume of 3 liters. 1 Wash, peel the vegetables. And shinkuem beets, carrots on a coarse grater. Onions and Bulgarian pepper cut into cubes. 2 The vegetables we will first fry, and then simmer. But first, we cut cubes a potato and throw it in the broth. 3 Now on a heated pan pour oil and slightly passeruem beets. After 5 minutes add the beets carrots and simmer another five minutes. 4 Add onion and fry again stirring. When the vegetables are soft equal quality, add to the pan a pinch of citric acid, a teaspoon of sugar and same of salt. 5 Mix. And in the glass dilute the tomato paste with boiled water. 6 Pour into the pan the tomato paste, cover with lid, reduce the heat and leave to cook for about 5-7 minutes. Borovoy then to the contents add grated garlic and diced sweet peppers. 7 Stir just a couple of minutes and add the stew to the weight of two tablespoons of sour cream. Sometimes I add sour cream instead of heavy cream. It turns out even more interesting taste.
Нужно нарисовать или найти картинку рептилии и млекопитающего и представить их классу (описать их).
1. It's a snake. It's a reptile. It has got a long body, but it hasn't got legs. It hasn't got ears. Snakes can move but they can't walk.
Это змея. Она является рептилией. У нее есть длинное тело, но нет ног. У нее нет ушей. Змеи могут двигаться, но не могут ходить.
2. It's a dog. It's a mammal. It has got four legs and a tail. It can walk, run and jump.
Это собака. Она является млекопитающим. У нее четыре ноги и хвост. Она может ходить, бегать и прыгать.